Change log Module 4, current version is
This article makes it possible to track changes on module 4.
Note: This article is provided as a courtesy. It has been automatically translated using software and may not have been proofread. The German-language version is the official version and you can find the most up-to-date information there.
Added option to rotate some typicals by 90 degree.
- Refreshed the view after running the SUCRI4HIDEALLCENTERLINE command
- Removed SUCRI4PLANTORTHOMENUANNOTATE from the context menu to avoid duplicating Overrule and EventHandlers with the default app
- Fixed an issue where the centerline of a structure would not display if the drawing was not open
- Added an option to extend pipeline length in views (ExtendPipelengthinViews)
- Modified SUCRI4ATTACHSUPPORTWITHREF so that it does not change the GUID if it already exists
- Fixed the SUAngle property in drawing settings
- Corrected the North Arrow orientation for different typical orientations
- upgraded all features for compatibility with Plant 3D 2024 to 2025
- standardized all commands to start with SuCri4 and follow Pascal case naming conventions
- updated setting names
- moved DimSimilarProfileOption and DimAttachedProfile to the DimOption tab
- Make warning message run at different thread to prevent crash
- Hide invalid config
- Update structure overrule to prevent crash
- Translate language, annotate pipe centerline
- A problem with the dimensioning of standard profiles from the steel construction catalogue has been fixed.
Generelle Anpassungen:
- The dimensioning algorithm has been adjusted to differentiate between vertical, horizontal,
and other directions.
- The ability to dimension special plates has been added, with more to come in the future.
- Options such as ShowPlateCoordinate, MinDimFromEdge, DimSpace, and DimSimilarProfile have been added to the settings.
- An isometric north arrow is now used to indicate the north direction on the drawing based on the isometric view.
- Annotations TOS and BOS are now displayed correctly above or below the steel structure.
- An error related to the alignment of dimensions with rotated intermediate beams has been fixed.
- An issue causing an eLockViolation exception during drawing creation has been resolved.
General Improvements:
- The AdditionalBOM tab in the settings allows for the inclusion of extra materials in the Bill of Materials
- The MapDrawingProp tab in the settings enables the mapping of support properties to drawing properties
- The LayerName setting provides an option to set a default layer for all parts generated in a typical
- Define layers for header, annotation, and dimensions
- Define a layer for header style
- Possibility to define a unique set of views in the discipline above
- Ability to use different formats for AUTO SELECT MULTIPLE VIEW
- Option to override the autoscale process during drawing generation (set AutoScale = 1)
- Add an offset for the cube (OrthoCubeOffset option)
- Add an offset for the layout (LayoutCoordinateOffset option)
- Implement a possibility to switch between global (WCS) and local coordinates WCS or UCS (CoordinateSystem option)
- Define in the settings all possible scales that SuCri Modul4 will utilize (ValidAutoScale option)
- New option to display the profile center line (ShowProfileCenterline option)
- Separate user dimensions and annotations from the auto-generated ones
- Choose to show insulation or not (OrthoInsulationMode option)
- Specify the DWT File location in the Folder (Ortho Manager) for saving and using a specific template before drawing creation.
Remove features:
- Automatic creation of a single view (SUCRI4PLANTORTHOCREATE)
- Selection of projection type (SUCRI4ProjectionType)
- The layout plan will not generate if the designated area is not large enough, a warning message will be displayed
- Modification of SuCri settings requires Admin rights, a warning message will be added
- Views may be cut off
- When using AutoSelect Clamp through an XREF, the Clamp system may not be inserted
- Some dimensions may not clearly indicate which points are being used
- Continuous numbering with multiple BOMs on the drawing
- Layer colors may be overwritten with violet
- Some parts may appear in violet color in the ortho view
General Improvements:
- Add Typical UI project
- Add SuCri4AttachSupportWithRef, SuCri4DetachXref function to M4
- Fixed a problem with view generation.
Manufacturer-specific changes:
Sikla Extension
- has now been officially rel