Settings Module 2
These settings allow flexible settings for pipe shoes and brackets in Plant 3D.
Name |
AllowReversePipeShoe |
Value |
1 |
Note |
0 - Off 1 - On |
Feature |
Turbo Tools |
Description |
The option allows pipe shoes to be placed in a reversed orientation, providing additional flexibility in the design and placement of support systems. This is particularly useful in scenarios with space constraints or specific alignment requirements. |
Name |
MTOTotalHeightOutput |
Value |
2 |
Note |
1 - TOP 2 - COP 3 - BOP |
Feature |
MTO Heights |
Description |
The option allows you to specify how the height of pipe shoes is displayed in reports. You can choose between different reference points: top of pipe, center of pipe, or bottom of pipe. |
Name |
SpaceAboveStructure |
Value |
500 |
Note |
Any Integers |
Feature |
Turbo Tools |
Description |
This option is used in the Turbo Tools to automatically select multiple supports by identifying pipes located above a structure but with a height less than a defined value (Value). It enables fast and precise filtering of support points based on the relative position of the pipes. |
Name |
SpaceBelowStructure |
Value |
5000 |
Note |
Any Integers |
Feature |
Turbo Tools |
Description |
This option is used in the Turbo Tools to automatically select multiple supports by identifying pipes located below a structure but with a height less than a defined value (Value). It provides a fast and efficient way to filter support points based on the relative position of pipes. |
Name |
MTOSplitClampRow |
Value |
1 |
Note |
0 - No split: Clamp information remains in the same row as the associated support. 1 - Split: Clamp information is output in a separate row. |
Feature |
Description |
This option is used with the MTO Export function to determine whether clamp information should be split into a separate row from the support or not. Two options are available: 0 - No split: Clamp information remains in the same row as the associated support. 1 - Split: Clamp information is output in a separate row. |
Name |
TurboToolsSupportInfo |
Value |
PartFamilyLongDesc |
Note |
- PartFamilyLongDesc - PartSizeLongDesc - ShortDescription |
Feature |
Turbo Tools |
Description |
When using the Turbo Tools, you can configure which type of information about the support is displayed. The available options are: PartFamilyLongDesc: Displays the detailed description of the support's part family. PartSizeLongDesc: Displays the detailed description of the support's part size. ShortDescription: Displays a short description of the support. |
Name |
MTOArticleDescription |
Value |
PartSizeLongDesc |
Note |
- PartFamilyLongDesc - PartSizeLongDesc - ShortDescription |
Feature |
Description |
When exporting MTO data, you can specify the type of information to be filled in the "Article Description" column. The available options are: PartFamilyLongDesc: Detailed description of the part family. PartSizeLongDesc: Detailed description of the part size. ShortDescription: Short description of the item. |
Name |
Value |
1 |
Note |
0 - Completed item: The item is treated as a finished component. 1 - Completed item with additional rod thread: The item is treated as a finished component with an additional rod thread. 2 - Single parts: The item is broken down into its individual parts. |
Feature |
Description |
When exporting MTO data, you can specify how items from Assembly Groups (Sikla) are treated. The following options are available: 0 - Completed item: The item is treated as a finished component. 1 - Completed item with additional rod thread: The item is treated as a finished component with an additional rod thread. 2 - Single parts: The item is broken down into its individual parts. |
Name |
MTOInlayLength |
Value |
10 |
Note |
1 - 1M 10 - 10M X - XM |
Feature |
Description |
This setting defines the calculation method for insert bands, which are typically ordered in meter rolls. The circumferences of the insert bands are calculated, and if the total length exceeds the limit defined by 1M or 10M, the quantity in the parts list is increased accordingly. The options are: 1 - 1M: The circumferences of the insert bands are calculated. If the total length exceeds 1 meter, the quantity in the parts list is adjusted accordingly. 10 - 10M: The circumferences of the insert bands are calculated. If the total length exceeds 10 meters, the quantity in the parts list is adjusted accordingly. X - XM: The length of the insert bands is specified individually, and if the defined limit is exceeded, the quantity is adjusted accordingly. This function provides precise control over the calculation and representation of insert bands based on their total length and the selected options. |
Name |
ItemCodeDelimiter |
Value |
+ |
Note |
+ - _ |
Feature |
Dynamic Properties |
Description |
This option is part of the Dynamic Properties function and allows combining the item codes of the clamp and pipe shoe. The joint character between the item codes can be replaced with any other character. Example: 110349 + 110345 If this field is left empty, the item code of the pipe shoe remains unchanged. |
Name |
ForceSameSupport |
Value |
2 |
Note |
0 - Can place the next available support/clamp: Automatically places the next suitable support or clamp. 1 - Can only place the selected support/clamp: Only the previously selected support or clamp is used. 2 - Can place a similar type of the selected support/clamp: Similar supports or clamps of the same type can be used. |
Feature |
Turbo Tools |
Description |
This option is part of the Turbo Tools function and is used for multiple placement. It determines whether only the same support/clamp that was selected should be placed or whether alternatives can be used. The available options are: 0 - Can place the next available support/clamp: Automatically places the next suitable support or clamp. 1 - Can only place the selected support/clamp: Only the previously selected support or clamp is used. 2 - Can place a similar type of the selected support/clamp: Similar supports or clamps of the same type can be used. |
Name |
SuNoFormat |
Value |
SU{FreeNumber} |
Note |
Example these name are valid: {Tag}-SU{FreeNumber} {Tag}-{NominalDiameter}-SU{FreeNumber} SU{FreeNumber} SUNumber{FreeNumber} |
Feature |
Attach / Anhängen |
Description |
Valid Name Examples: {Tag}-SU{FreeNumber} {Tag}-{NominalDiameter}-SU{FreeNumber} SU{FreeNumber} SUNumber{FreeNumber} Explanation: {Property}: Any property such as Tag, NominalDiameter, etc. (Optional). SU/SUNumber: Arbitrary text (Optional). FreeNumber: A free SU number (Mandatory, must be included). |
Name |
SiklaOverrule |
Value |
1 |
Note |
0 - Off 1 - On |
Feature |
Used for automatic property adjustment when there is a parameter change in SupportTemp, SupportHeight, or SupportType. Additionally, it controls that certain pipe shoes or clamp systems must not use sliding plates. |
Description |
This option enables or disables a specific override function for Sikla. 0 - Off: The specific override is disabled. 1 - On: The specific override is enabled. Note: Updating this value requires restarting Plant 3D. |
Name |
ExportAttribute |
Value |
Tag, LineNumberTag, PartSizeLongDesc |
Note |
from left to right is the map attribute from 01 to 10 |
Feature |
Command SuCri2ExportPrimarySupport |
Description |
This option is used in the SuCri2ExportPrimarySupport function to export supports to Advance Steel as special parts. The mapping of attributes is from left to right in the order from 01 to 10. |
Name |
LimitClampInCurrentSpec |
Value |
0 |
Note |
0 - No 1 - Yes |
Feature |
Turbo Tools |
Description |
This option is part of the Turbo Tools -> Clamp System function and limits the possible clamps selected to only those available in the current spec: 0 - No: Clamps can be selected regardless of the current spec. 1 - Yes: Selection is restricted to clamps defined in the current spec. |
Name |
ForceOverwriteDynamicProp |
Value |
0 |
Note |
0 - No 1 - Yes |
Feature |
Dynamic Properties |
Description |
This option is part of the Dynamic Properties function and determines whether clamp data should always be written to the properties: 0 - No: Clamp data is not written to properties by default. 1 - Yes: Clamp data is always written to the properties. Note: Disabling this option may lead to inconsistent MTO data and should only be used in very specific scenarios. |
Name |
SupportLayer |
Value |
SuCri_Supports |
Note |
- Default: use default setting from project - SuCri_Supports: use layer name "SuCri_Supports" for SuCri supports. |
Feature |
Used when placing supports from the piping class |
Description |
This option defines the layer setting for SuCri supports: Default: Uses the default layer setting from the project. SuCri_Supports: Uses the layer name "SuCri_Supports" for SuCri supports. Note: Updating this value requires restarting Plant 3D. |
Name |
RestrictParameterForVendor |
Value |
Sikla, Hilti |
Note |
Sikla |
Feature |
Used when attempting to modify a parameter |
Description |
The support parameters from these vendors will be restricted according to the RestrictTable sheet. When a parameter is restricted, it cannot be modified in the model. Note: Updating this value requires restarting Plant 3D. |
Name |
KeepPropertiesForSupports |
Value |
Tag, SuNo |
Note |
Tag, SuNo |
Feature |
Turbo Tools |
Description |
This option is part of the Turbo Tools -> Support function. When using the auto-select support function to replace the current support with a new one, the specified values will be retained for the new support. |
Name |
SuNoFreeNumber |
Value |
3 |
Note |
2-00 to 99 3-000 to 999 … |
Feature |
Attach |
Description |
Specifies the total number of digits to use when formatting the SuNoFreeNumber including leading zeros if needed. For instance: A value of 2 displays numbers from 00 to 99. A value of 3 displays numbers from 000 to 999. A value of 4 displays numbers from 0000 to 9999 and so on. |