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Support Height and Type Swap Function

The 'Support Height and Type Swap' function allows switching between different support heights and types without re-placing components.

Video Tutorial

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Select the Support

Click on a height-adjustable shoe (e.g., LA-HV, LC-HV, LD-HV) to switch between different heights and types.

Selecting a height-adjustable support in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 2: Open Properties

Select the "Properties" option from the context menu.

Opening properties in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 3: View Current Support Type

The currently used support is displayed. In this example, it is an LC-HV 150.

Viewing current support type

Step 4: Change the Support Type

Navigate to the parameters and change the index of the "SupportType" parameter to 1.

Changing the support type in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 5: Confirm the Change

Click again to confirm the change.

Step 6: Adjust the Support Height

Now change the index of the "SupportHeight" parameter to 1.

Changing support height in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 7: Finalization

The support has now been changed to an LA-HV 90. Finally, adjust the "SupportTemp" parameter to 1.

Finalizing support change

Step 8: Verify Settings

When reviewing the support properties, you will see that all changes have been applied immediately.

Verifying changed settings