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The MTO heights [DWG] feature

This article contains a detailed explanation of the MTO Heights [DWG] function

Note: This article is provided as a courtesy. It has been automatically translated using software and may not have been proofread. The German-language version is the official version and you can find the most up-to-date information there.

Video Tutorial:

With the MTO DWG command, user-defined reports for the active DWG can be exported in Excel format with just one click.

The command is available in SuCri either for the active DWG or for the entire project. You can recognise this by the extension DWG or PRJ. If you want to create a report on the entire project, access to all files is mandatory.

After executing the command, you will be asked for a location for your report. Once it has been successfully created, it will open automatically.

As you can see, the HEA profile is also listed here. We would now like to modify our report so that it no longer shows the default structures and add inlays.

To add inlays, we select our supports and set the Inlay parameter to one in the properties. In this case, silicone inlays are added to our supports.

Now we load the settings to make further adjustments there. Please note that Plant 3D must be started as Admin for this.

The MTO Filter tab takes us to the settings for our MTO. We now set the DefaultStructure property to No. This means that the default profiles are no longer listed in the report.

Now we load the settings file into SuCri.

Once we have successfully loaded the settings, we create our new MTO.

As you can now see, the HEA profile is no longer listed and the inlays have also been added to the report.