Feature Attach

This article explains the SuCri function "Attach", which allows you to create new logical assemblies or attach components to an existing group.





Video Tutorial:


Step by step instructions:


To execute the ATTACHSUPPORT console command, follow the steps below:

1. Open the Module 4 interface by clicking on the corresponding icon or menu item.

2. You will find the Attach button in the quick access toolbar. Click on it to start the attachment process.

3. Now select all the components that are to form the new group. You can do this by clicking on the components individually or by using the corresponding multiple selection function.
Confirm your entry with the right mouse button.

4. If a suggested SU number is displayed, you can change it if necessary. Please note that the SU number should be unique to enable the components to be grouped correctly.

By executing the console command "ATTACHSUPPORT" and following these steps, you can effectively and easily create new component groups.