Define Drawing Area Function

The 'Define Drawing Area' function in SuCri enables precise definition and customization of viewport areas.

Video Tutorial


Plant3D Command


Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Open Project Configuration

Open AutoCAD and right-click on your project. Select "Project Configuration..." from the dropdown menu.

Open Project Configuration in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 2: Ortho DWG Settings

Click on "Ortho DWG Settings". Navigate to "Title Block and Display" and click on it.

Ortho DWG Settings in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 3: Set up Title Block

Click on the "Set Up Title Block..." button and select "SuCri".

Set up title block in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 4: Open Module 4

Click the button to open the Module 4 dialog. Then, select "Options".

Open Module 4 in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 5: Define Drawing Area

Click the "Define Drawing Area" button and select your desired viewport area.

Define drawing area in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 6: Set Position

Drag the element to the desired position and click on it.

Set position in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 7: Verify Success

Your viewport area has been successfully placed. Verify the settings.

Verify success in AutoCAD Plant3D