Change log Module 3, current version is
This article makes it possible to track changes in module 3.
Note: This article is provided as a courtesy. It has been automatically translated using software and may not have been proofread. The German-language version is the official version and you can find the most up-to-date information there.
New Hilti parts have been added.
- Fixed issue 2353811 for the Hilti girder part.
- Resolved validation crossing for Hilti issue 2332783 (Sikla SB F 194010, HEB-siframo 80).
- Enabled the part model to auto-detect based on the CAD version, eliminating the need to rename folders.
- Fixed a crash when selecting a profile (SetImpliedSelection).
- Enhanced the function for editing old connections to handle more scenarios.
- Added distance validation for X connections.
- Corrected the AKF selection to choose the correct type.
Fix SetImpliedSelection crash
- upgraded all features for compatibility with Plant3D and Advance Steel 2022 to 2025
- updated Patcher Profile and BOM
- standardized all commands to start with SuCri3 and follow Pascal case naming conventions
- added functionality to group bolts
- SUCRI3_SET_LOCATIONPOINT can work with custom coordination.
- Fixed an issue causing unintended movement of LOCATIONPOINT when copying.
- Updated profile angle validation rules so that a 360° angle is recognized as equivalent to 0°.
- Corrected a bug preventing connection placement when the system line was offset.
- Fix cannot moving old connection.
- Added the ability to modify old connection.
- Corrected the AKF description.
- Added a NoCap option for AKF and TKO.
- Fixed an issue causing incorrect cut length displays in special parts (AKF, TKO).
- Improved handling of combined consoles (AKF, TKO) to ensure proper operation with other connections.
- Updated the user manual link.
- Update patcher can work with relative path.
General Improvements:
- The format and appearance of the location points have been updated.
Manufacturer-Specific Updates:
Sikla Extension:
- SB Connections for HEA, HEB, and IPE profiles have been added.
- Additional connections for TPF80/30 and TPF100/160 have been added.
General Improvements:
- A new command (SUCRI3_SET_TOLERANCE) has been introduced, allowing users to control the accuracy of the profiles in relation to each other and their angles.
- The ability to save connections permanently within the DWG has been introduced.
- Two new commands have been integrated: SUCRI3_SET_LOCATIONPOINT and SUCRI3_UPDATE_LOCATIONPOINT.
Manufacturer-Specific Updates:
Sikla Extension:
- siMetrix Connections have been added
- The corner connectors CC 41-1 to CC 41-5 have been added
General Improvements:
- The SUCRI3_BATCH_UPDATECONNECTIONS function has been integrated.
- The SUCRI3_BATCH_UPDATEBLOCKS function has been integrated.
- The selection behaviour has been reversed so that SuCri follows the standard selection behaviour
Advance Steel selection behaviour.
- In the Connections interface, the option has been added to create a connection without
without connecting the profiles to each other.
- A SUCRI3_SETAUTO_WELD command has been integrated which controls the connection
of the individual components.
- All functions have been renamed to follow the same naming scheme.
Manufacturer-specific changes:
Sikla Extension:
General improvements:
- Additional anchors have been added.
- Several WBD components have also been made available for the I connection.
- The patcher has been improved to allow starting it with arguments via the Windows
Command Prompt.
- The PartModels_2023 folder has been added.
- The patcher has been improved to automatically set the correct PartModels folder as active based on the selected version.
- An issue with the display of the position number on the drawing when using cantilever brackets
and beam brackets has been resolved.
- The Sikla drawing bill of materials has been corrected to accurately calculate the
total weight of special parts on the drawing.
- An issue with the Import Brackets function has been resolved, which was causing a crash when no path was selected.
General improvements:
- Advance Steel 2022-2024 now supported
- DB Patches are created again and fully supports now international version.
- Triplan Extension added in patching process
- Some Issues are fixed in patches
Manufacturer-specific changes:
Triplan Extension
- Triplan Extension are added
General improvements:
- DB Patching Tool has been added.
- The component WBD F80 - 201/310 was incorrectly labelled.
Manufacturer-specific changes:
Sikla Extension
- Many new components have been added for SiFramo 80/30 and 160/100.
- Connections are now also possible to IPE100-300