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Set Front View Function

The 'Set Front View' function in SuCri enables precise definition of assembly orientations.

Video Tutorial


Plant3D Command


Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Click Sikla Button

Locate the "Sikla" button in the toolbar and click it.

Click Sikla button in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 2: Select Drawings

Click on "Drawings" to start the function.

Select drawings in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 3: Set Front View

Click the "Set Front View" button.

Set Front View in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 4: Select Component

Select a component of your assembly and confirm the selection with a right-click.

Select component in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 5: Choose Surface

Choose a surface that defines the orientation of the assembly for view generation.

Choose surface in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 6: Confirm Control Question

Confirm the control question with "Yes". If the red surface is not displayed, try using a different visual style.

Confirm control question in AutoCAD Plant3D

Step 7: Verify Success

The front view has been successfully set. Verify the settings.

Verify success in AutoCAD Plant3D