Settigns module 4
Optimizes views, drawings and dimensioning in SuCri Module 4 for precise documentation.
Name |
OrthoDrawingName |
Value |
{DwgName}_{SuNo} |
Note |
Example these name are valid: {SuCri}_{DwgName}_{SuNo} {Sikla}_{DwgName}_{SuNo} {DwgName}_{SuNo} {SuNo} |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Examples of valid names: {SuCri}{DwgName}{SuNo} {Sikla}{DwgName}{SuNo} {DwgName}_{SuNo} {SuNo} Explanation: SuCri/Sikla: Arbitrary text (Optional) DwgName: Drawing name (Optional) SuNo: SU Number (Must have) |
General |
nan |
Name |
SuNoFormat |
Value |
SU{FreeNumber} |
Note |
Example these name are valid: {Tag}-SU{FreeNumber} {Tag}-{NominalDiameter}-SU{FreeNumber} SU{FreeNumber} SUNumber{FreeNumber} Explain: {Property}: Any Property like Tag, NominalDiameter, etc. (Optional) SU/SUNumber: Abitrary text (Optional) FreeNumber: Free SU Number (Must have) |
Feature |
Attach |
Description |
Valid Name Examples: {Tag}-SU{FreeNumber} {Tag}-{NominalDiameter}-SU{FreeNumber} SU{FreeNumber} SUNumber{FreeNumber} Explanation: {Property}: Any property such as Tag, NominalDiameter, etc. (Optional). SU/SUNumber: Arbitrary text (Optional). FreeNumber: A free SU number (Mandatory, must be included). |
General |
nan |
Name |
OrthoCubeOffset |
Value |
0;0;0 |
Note |
Top;Bottom;Side |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Defines the offset for the Ortho cube to specify distances on the sides. The possible offset options are: Top: Top Bottom: Bottom Side: Side It is possible to set different values for the distances by separating them with a semicolon, e.g., 10;20;30. If the offset for one side should be 0, you must enter 0 in that position. Note: Three values must always be specified. |
General |
nan |
Name |
ShowAllAttached |
Value |
Note |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
When creating a typical with module5, the foundation or profile will be attached to the typical. You can specify which class you want to show entirely in the drawing. |
General |
nan |
Name |
ShowAttachVertical |
Value |
Note |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
When creating a typical with module5, the foundation or profile will be attached to the typical. You can specify which class should only be displayed in the vertical direction in the drawing. |
General |
nan |
Name |
ShowProfileCenterline |
Value |
1 |
Note |
0 - Off 1 - On |
Feature |
Show Centerlines |
Description |
Displays or hides the centerline of the profile permanently: 0 - Off: The centerline is not displayed. 1 - On: The centerline is displayed. |
General |
nan |
Name |
LayerName |
Value |
P3D_BS_Sonderkonstruktionen |
Note |
Default layer for all part generated in a typical |
Feature |
SUCRI5Create |
Description |
Default layer for all parts generated in a typical in module5. |
General |
nan |
Name |
LayerNameHeader |
Value |
SuCri_Header |
Note |
Default layer for text |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Defines the default layer used for the titles of the views. |
General |
nan |
Name |
HeaderTextStyle |
Value |
Default |
Note |
- Default: The current text style in the template - YourTextStyle: Your custom text style for header |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings / |
Description |
Possible selection: Default: The current text style in the template. YourTextStyle: Your custom text style in the template for headers |
General |
nan |
Name |
HeaderOffset |
Value |
10 |
Note |
mm. Offset from header text to viewport |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings / |
Description |
Offset in mm: Distance from the header text to the viewport. |
General |
nan |
Name |
LayerNameAnnotation |
Value |
SuCri_Annotation |
Note |
Default layer for annotation |
Feature |
Auto Annotations |
Description |
Default layer for annotations: Defines the default layer used for annotations. |
General |
nan |
Name |
LayerNameDimension |
Value |
SuCri_Dimension |
Note |
Default layer for dimension |
Feature |
Auto Dimensions |
Description |
Default layer for dimensions: Defines the default layer used for dimensions. |
General |
nan |
Name |
ModifiedProfileWarning |
Value |
1 |
Note |
0 - Off 1 - On |
Feature |
Move (Standard Command) |
Description |
When a typical is created, any modification to the profile, including copying or moving, will trigger a warning depending on this value: 0 - Off: No warning is displayed. 1 - On: Changes will trigger a warning. Note: Updating this value requires restarting Plant 3D. |
General |
nan |
Name |
AutoScale |
Value |
0 |
Note |
0 - Auto scale 1 - Set by Set Scale command |
Feature |
Set Scale |
Description |
When creating multiple views, the scale of each view will either be automatically adjusted to fit the paper or set by the SUCRI4SetOrthoScale command: 0 - Auto scale: The scale is automatically adjusted to fit the paper. 1 - Set by SUCRI4SetOrthoScale: The scale is defined by the SUCRI4SetOrthoScale command. |
General |
View |
Name |
IsoView |
Value |
Default |
Note |
Default/NW/NE/SW/SE |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Default/NW/NE/SW/SE: Defines the default orientation for the isometric view. |
General |
nan |
Name |
IsoViewScale |
Value |
Default |
Note |
Default - Auto scale 1:1 - Scale to 1:1 1:7 - Scale to 1:7 |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
The Default option means the scale of iso view is automatically fitted to the drawing area. Alternatively, you can specify a scale as a real number: Default: Auto scale. 1:1: Scale to 1:1. 1:7: Scale to 1:7. |
General |
nan |
Name |
LayoutplanViewScale |
Value |
Default |
Note |
Default - Auto scale 1:1 - Scale to 1:1 1:7 - Scale to 1:7 |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
The Default option means the scale of layoutplan is automatically fitted to the drawing area. Alternatively, a specific scale can be set as a real number: Default: Auto scale. 1:1: Scale to 1:1. 1:7: Scale to 1:7. |
General |
nan |
Name |
StandardViewScale |
Value |
1:1, 1:2, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50, 1:100 |
Note |
In auto generate multiple view, the scale will be auto select from this list if AutoScale = 0 |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
In auto-generating multiple views (e.g., front, side, ...), the scale will be automatically selected from this list if AutoScale = 0. |
General |
nan |
Name |
SetUCSForLayoutPlan |
Value |
Note |
Show coordination in WCS or UCS |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Show coordination in WCS or UCS: Specifies whether the coordinates in layoutplan are displayed in the World Coordinate System (WCS) or the User Coordinate System (UCS). |
General |
nan |
Name |
LayoutplanUcsOffset |
Value |
0;0 |
Note |
The value equal to offset with North;East 1000;500 : Mean offset 1000 to the North, 500 to the East -1000;-500 : Mean offset 1000 to the South, 500 to the West |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
The value equals to offset with North;East: 1000;500: Means an offset of 1000 to the North and 500 to the East. -1000;-500: Means an offset of 1000 to the South and 500 to the West. |
General |
nan |
Name |
HiddenLineMode |
Value |
0 |
Note |
0 - No hidden line 1 - Hidden lines in iso view 2 - Hidden lines in all view 3 - Hidden lines in all view but not Layout plan |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Options for hidden lines: 0 - No hidden line: No hidden lines are displayed. 1 - Hidden lines in iso view: Hidden lines are displayed only in the isometric view. 2 - Hidden lines in all views: Hidden lines are displayed in all views. 3 - Hidden lines in all views but not in the layout plan: Hidden lines are displayed in all views except in the layout plan. |
General |
nan |
Name |
OrthoInsulationMode |
Value |
2 |
Note |
0 - No insulation 1 - Solid line insulation 2 - Hidden line insulation |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
This setting is equivalent to configuring PLANTORTHOINSULATIONMODE: 0 - No insulation: No insulation is displayed. 1 - Solid line insulation: The insulation is displayed with a solid line. 2 - Hidden line insulation: The insulation is displayed with a dashed line |
General |
nan |
Name |
ShowLayoutPlan |
Value |
1 |
Note |
0 - Off 1 - On |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Setting to control the display of the layout plan: 0 - Off: The layout plan is not displayed. 1 - On: The layout plan is displayed. |
General |
nan |
Name |
ViewportOffet |
Value |
10 |
Note |
mm |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Defines the offset in mm between the body edge and the viewport boundary. |
General |
Annotation & Dimension |
Name |
LayoutplanOffset |
Value |
5 |
Note |
mm |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Defines the offset in mm between the layout boundary and the content within the layout. |
General |
nan |
Name |
LayoutplanMinSize |
Value |
90 |
Note |
mm |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Defines the minimum size of the layout drawing area. |
General |
nan |
Name |
AnnotationOffset |
Value |
20 |
Note |
mm |
Feature |
Auto Annotations |
Description |
Defines the offset in mm between annotations and other elements or boundaries |
General |
nan |
Name |
AnnotationPlacementMethod |
Value |
2 |
Note |
1 - Exterior 2 - Clear space |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Defines whether annotations, including position numbers, are placed near the body edge (Clear space) or around the views (Exterior): 1 - Exterior: Annotations are placed around the views. 2 - Clear space: Annotations are placed in the nearest empty space. |
General |
nan |
Name |
TOSAnnotationOrientation |
Value |
1 |
Note |
0 - Same as other annotation. 1 - Annotate horitontally to left/right of the view. |
Feature |
Auto Annotations |
Description |
Defines how the TOS annotation (Top of Steel) is executed: 0 - Same as other annotation: The TOS annotation is treated like a standard annotation. 1 - Horizontally to left/right of the view: The TOS annotation is specifically placed horizontally to the left or right of the view. |
General |
nan |
Name |
DimSimilarProfileOption |
Value |
1 |
Note |
0 - Similar profile will be ignore 1 - Dim all profile, which can cause some duplicated dimension |
Feature |
Auto Dimensions |
Description |
Defines how similar profiles are handled during dimensioning: 0 - Similar profiles will be ignored: No dimensions will be created for similar profiles. 1 - Dim all profiles: This may result in some duplicated dimensions. |
General |
nan |
Name |
DimAttachedProfile |
Value |
0 |
Note |
0 - Off 1 - On |
Feature |
Auto Dimensions |
Description |
Specifies whether a profile connected to a Typical should be dimensioned: 0 - Off: The profile will not be dimensioned. |
General |
nan |
Name |
ShowPlateCoordinate |
Value |
1 |
Note |
0 - Off 1 - On |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Specifies whether the coordinates of the plate centerlines should be annotated in a section within a top view: 0 - Off: The coordinates of the plate centerlines will not be displayed. 1 - On: The coordinates of the plate centerlines will be displayed. Note: This function currently does not support all plates. |
General |
nan |
Name |
MinDimFromEdge |
Value |
10 |
Note |
mm. |
Feature |
Auto Dimensions |
Description |
Defines the minimum distance in mm between the first dimension line and the entity edge. |
General |
nan |
Name |
DimSpace |
Value |
7 |
Note |
mm. |
Feature |
Auto Dimensions |
Description |
Defines the distance in mm between the individual dimension lines. |
General |
nan |
Name |
RoundProfileLength |
Value |
2 |
Note |
0 - 100 1 - 100.1 2 - 100.12 |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Sets the number of decimal places for rounding the profile length in the orthographic bill of material: 0 - 100: No decimal places. 1 - 100.1: One decimal place. 2 - 100.12: Two decimal places. |
General |
nan |
Name |
DrawingLanguage |
Value |
Note |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
Can be set to ENG (English), DEU (German), or any new column language in the MapLanguage sheet. |
General |
nan |
Name |
Extendpipelengthinviews |
Value |
0 |
Note |
0 – no extend 100 – extend 100mm |
Feature |
Auto Views, Auto Drawings |
Description |
This extend value stretches the orthocube from the center of the support to both ends of the pipe, allowing more of the pipe's geometry to be displayed in the view. |
General |
nan |