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Steel Structure Profiles from Pipe Class

The 'Steel Structure Profiles from Pipe Class' function enables the conversion of steel structure profiles in AutoCAD Plant3D.

Video Tutorial

Plant3D Command


Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Start the Command

Open AutoCAD Plant3D and ensure that the correct pipe class is loaded.

Start the command

Step 2: Enter the Command

Type SUCRI2SWITCHPROFILESTRUCTURE in the command window and press Enter.

Enter the command

Step 3: Select Profiles

Click on the profile(s) you want to convert.

Select profiles

Step 4: Complete the Command

Right-click to complete the command. You can choose to keep or delete the old profiles.

Complete the command

Step 5: Open Properties

Select the Properties option in the menu. Here, you can make further adjustments.

Open properties

Step 6: Display Contour

Set the parameter ShowDetail to 1 to display the exact contour of the profile.

Display contour

Step 7: Enable Holes

Set the parameter Hole to 1 to display holes in the profile. Note that this setting requires high computational power.

Enable holes

Step 8: Adjust Profile Length

The length of the profile can be changed by dragging the grip.

Adjust profile length

Step 9: Change Length

Click the grip symbol to adjust the profile length.

Change length